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Total submissions: 2, showing: 1 - 2.

2nd University Scholars Leadership Symposium 2011

The earthquake and tsunami in Japan has made us realise the importance of disaster and humanitarian relief.

Humanitarian Affairs United Kingdom will organise the 2nd University Scholars Leadership Symposium 2011 to provide opportunity for Youth Leaders to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge on humanitarian and disaster management thereby contributing to this fragile World.

The 2nd University Scholars Leadership Symposium for 500 Youth Leaders from around the Globe will be held in Pattaya, Thailand from August 1 to 7, 2011.

Humanitarian Affairs seek to nurture next generation leaders to become world-class citizens with global vision and understanding of human needs.

The Symposium allows young leaders the opportunity to understand more about the global humanitarian need, to learn how to organize a humanitarian relief and be challenged in their worldview.

We invite those who are keen to contribute to the human race to attend the Humanitarian Leadership Symposium 2011.


Submitted by: Natalie Morris
Date: 3/17/2011 9:43:27 AM
Tel: 02074044142
Fax: 02074044143
Web site:

Global Referendum on a Democratic World Parliament

Billions of people want world peace more than anything else, yet common knowledge says that this wish is a pipedream. But what if we devised a practical way to hold a global referendum, and then collected a mandate from the human species to establish a democratic world parliament (to criminalize war, among other things)?

An NGO called Vote World Parliament (VWP) has developed a new portable ballot that makes it possible to hold an Internet-based global referendum. Anyone with a website can embed the portable ballot in their website to establish their own voting booth.

The (English) global referendum ballot reads: “Do you support the creation of a directly-elected, representative and democratic world parliament that is authorized to legislate on global issues?” While VWP hopes for a strong “yes” vote, we expect that our opponents will embed the voting booth on their websites and ask their friends and supporters to vote “no.” So far, even before the advent of the uploadable voting booth, VWP had received about 21,500 votes, and 94% of these people voted “yes” to this possible new future for humankind.

VWP’s minimum goal is two billion votes, which amounts to about one half of the adult population of Earth (“adult” meaning at least 16 years old). If 67%+ of these are “yes” votes, we will consider the global mandate to be legally binding under international law and politically compelling even if it is not generally accepted as legally binding.

To see the portable ballot on a website, go to and click on the graphic link. These graphic links are available in 53 languages (via Google Translate; see For detailed instructions on how to embed the voting booth, see or There are four small icons on the bottom of the ballot, for Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in and Blogger. The ballot installs in these applications automatically if you click on the appropriate icon and then log into your account.

Our ballot has been tested on the top four Internet browsers—Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Once a person has voted, the vote count advances on the local site as well as in the overall tally at Vote World Parliament (

It could take up to a decade to complete the Internet-based referendum, although it may never have to be completed! Our goal is to conclusively prove that the human race is in favor of such a bedrock political renewal, and once that is clear, we hope to hand off the global referendum to the United Nations. We have a draft UN resolution that calls on all Member States to hold a national referendum (using the VWP ballot) in conjunction with their next elections ( so that national resources such as official national voters lists and scrutineers can be


Submitted by: Ted Stalets
Date: 2/1/2011 2:47:03 PM
Tel: 615 585-3295
Fax: 615 834-3261
Web site:

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