Sharing Resources

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Total submissions: 13, showing: 1 - 4.

International Conference on Youth and Interfaith Communication

The Conference Theme of “Building Bridges Through Interfaith Dialogue and Collaboration” will promote interfaith communication and build bridges of love, trust and friendship among religiously diverse youth, and provide a platform for local, national and international collaboration. The conference will engage participants in a dynamic experience of faith development as well as challenge them to positively respond to the universal call to holiness.
By dialoging and working together in this atmosphere of trust and cooperative creativity, the conference will help to eliminate the rhetoric of hate and end various forms of violence perpetrated in the name of religion. This will in turn eliminate the predictable back biting, gossip and mistrust that flourish when interfaith is absent.
The Conference will facilitate the deepening of mutual interfaith understanding through a thoughtful process of dialogue. All this will occur in an atmosphere of frank, open, personal heart-to-heart conversations that respects and accommodates religious, social and cultural needs and sensitivities. The Conference will provide participants with opportunities to explore what brings people together in spite of their different faith and cultural heritage.


Submitted by: Emmanuel Ande Ivorgba
Date: 12/8/2008 7:31:47 AM
Tel: +234-8052627310
Web site:

NGO Fair at African Child Conference

The Including Children NGO Fair will take place on Friday March 13-Saturday March 14, 2009 during the Including Children Conference: Celebrating 10 years of the Institute for the African Child at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio USA.

The Including Children conference will bring together Africanists from inside and outside the Academy to access the current state of knowledge about childhood in Africa and explore directions for the future.

Call For Papers, NGO Fair & Registration Info:
Please visit


Submitted by: Andria Sherrow, M.A.
Date: 11/13/2008 9:34:27 AM
Tel: 740-597-1368
Fax: 740-593-1837
Web site:

Improving The Lives of People In The Rural Poor

We require for the following
1. Male or Female volunteers for short/medium term work in our office in the following areas:
a. Programme officers to design strategy for development of our beekeeping programme
b. Technical Officer to build capacity of our staff for improved performance and quality service delivery.
c. Fundraiser to assist in effort to raise funds for our development programmes/projects and for operational needs.
d. Specialised Teachers for primary/Secondary school handicapped orphans and vulnerable children.

2. Funds or partners for implementation of our programmes:
a. Beekeeping programme
b. Promoting the propagation and utilization of Vetiver Technology
c. Integrated community development projects
d. Building capacity of community institutions, women and youth for self-development
e. Promoting good governance and anticorruption campaigns.


Submitted by: Mr. Kejrkpo Omonade
Date: 11/4/2008 4:59:03 AM
Tel: 08059136790

Volunteers are welcome from Japan to BELO-Ghana

We are looking for well resourced, socially minded and able to sponsor themselves to volunteer with us in Better Life Organization (BELO) Ghana. Interested young school graduates from Japan call write us directly or any interested organization in Japan can become a partner in this.


Submitted by: Jacob Asogonnde
Date: 10/28/2008 7:57:33 AM
Tel: 0233-244-589278 or 0233-27-4547962
Web site: http://under construction

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