WANGO News 2011

In a meeting in Cairo, H.E. Dr. Abdel Aziz Hegazy, former Prime Minister of Egypt and Chairman of the General Federation of NGOs and Foundations, and Taj Hamad, Secretary General of WANGO, signed a MOU for a partnership on revising and promoting the Code of Ethics of the Family.(Read more...)

Supporters of a Doctors Without Borders campaign donated their profiles so that this NGO could share messages on the donated profiles. This article also lists the top 10 NGOs in terms of “Facebook likes” and “Twitter followers.”(Read more...)

Despite the importance of education to help countries alleviate poverty, and particularly the education of girls, a number of governments around the world are struggling to meet the demand for secondary education, according to the latest edition of UNESCO’s Global Education Digest (2011). This problem is particularly acute in sub-Saharan Africa, where two out of three children are left out of secondary school and girls facing a worsening gender gap at the upper secondary level. (Read more...)

In an article derived from their 2011 comparative analysis, Dr.Lizzette Rojas and Dr. Flordeliz Serpa provide a consensus perspective on recommended strategies to strengthen NGOs. This article includes eight recommendations arising from their research. (Read more...)

As the world population hits 7 billion, more and more concern is being raised about the unexpectedly fast aging of the human race. With fertility rates plunging and life spans increasing, the pyramid that once had a tiny number of older folks at the top is now becoming inverted, with (Read more...)

According to UN estimates, the world population reached 7 billion on October 31, 2011. The US Census Bureau puts a later estimate on the date: February 2012. This webpage presents a good overview of world population growth through time, global distribution, rate of growth, the number of people who have ever lived, and the methodologies employed. (Read more...)

In an excerpt taken from his presentation at WANGO's World Congress of NGOs, Jeffrey Hurwit provides an overview of "Friends Organizations." Distinct from chapters, these nonprofits organize funds for the purpose of supporting an NGO in another country. (Read more...)

In an effort to improve the fight against malaria in Africa, the African Leaders Malaria Alliance launched a scorecard that will provide data on each country on policies formulated, preventive measures, money spent, and lives saved and lost. (Read more...)

Grinnel College has announced a global call for nominations for three prizes that recognize leadership, creativity, and accomplishment in effecting social change. The awards (up to $100,000) will be shared by the under-40-years-old individual and his or her NGO.(Read more...)

Recognizing that investing in girls and women is one of the best ways to alleviate global poverty, and particular the education of girls (the "girl effect"), the United Nations has launched the "Every Woman Every Child" initiative.(Read more...)

Wangari Maathai, founder of the Green Belt Movement, which received the 2003 WANGO Environment Award, and recipient of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize, passed away on Sunday, November 25.(Read more...)

With Africa burdened with over 70% of those in school still without access to quality education, IDAY, in cooperation with WANGO, are spearheading a special drive for donations and distribution of educational materials for African children of school age.(Read more...)

The Gates Foundation, the world’s largest charity, has committed $ 1.7 billion to fight poverty and hunger in Africa. A cornerstone to the approach is improving agriculture, with the foundation investing in seed research, fertilizer, education, market access, and political advocacy. (Read more...)

Dr. Karen Judd Smith, a long-time WANGO associate and founder of the NGO Academy, has unveiled a new online training for NGO leaders. Learn the three shortcuts to create a highly effective message for all you programs, discussions, and outreach efforts.(Read more...)

With an endowment of $2.2 billion, The Walton Family Foundation is a major philanthropic organization, yet maintains a more modest public profile. The Foundation is second only to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in its spending to overhaul schools ($134 million in 2009), and also gives big sums for freshwater and marine conservation ($ 55 million). (Read more...)

Diseases spread by mosquitoes, such as malaria, West Nile virus, dengue, and yellow fever, infect half a billion people a year and cause millions of deaths. A promising line of defense against these diseases has been developed by scientists: chemicals that interfere with the mosquito’s ability to detect humans. (Read more...)

By reducing the income tax deduction for charitable donations from higher-income taxpayers, the 2012 budget proposal from the Obama administration would depress charitable donations and thus harm the nonprofit sector. This shifting of resources from nonprofits to the federal government may mean billions of dollars less each year for charities. (Read more...)

The author of It’s a Great Day to Fund-Raise!, Tony Poderis, elaborates on nine fundamental fundraising truthsand three fundraising.(Read more...)

One small nonprofit reduced its operating budget by two-thirds by making various technology changes. Switching to use of a cloud file server, Google Apps, PayPal, a free Web-based management system, an online accounting system, and other changes saved $176,000.(Read more...)

The uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East pose serious immediate challenges for nonprofits. However, the new climate that could emerge may also offer new opportunities for charities. For example, in Tunisia, once-repressed nonprofits are now advising the political transition.(Read more...)

In the past decade, violent attacks against NGO and UN humanitarian workers have tripled. Some attribute this to increasing politicalization of humanitarian efforts (versus neutrality and impartiality), which makes them more vulnerable to attack as they appear to be taking sides.(Read more...)

In a grantwriting career spanning 30 years, Dr. Gershowitz has raised over $100 million for public and non-governmental organizations in the United States and internationally. He is available to consult for NGOs at a fraction of the cost charged by other institutions.(Read more...)

Rising food inflation and high oil prices threaten to push more people into poverty and cloud the world's economic outlook. World Bank President Robert Zoellick warned that we are at a tipping point in terms of food prices, with these prices 36% above their level from a year ago.(Read more...)

Google offers NGOs a number of free or discounted services. Whether Google grants for online advertising, Google Apps software that can greatly reduce IT costs and assist collaboration, YouTube videos, or more, Google helps nonprofits, utilizing a new, simplified application process.(Read more...)

Response teams from Christian Disaster Response Interntional, a WANGO member, are on the ground in Japan providing emergency relief and training.(Read more...)

Once one of the world's most dreaded diseases, polio has largely been eradicated in most of the world. But a recent outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo has frustrated the global eradication effort.(Read more...)

Tragically, a 9.0 magnitude earthquate and tsunami has devastated major populated areas in Japan. WANGO endorses the effort of the Christian Disaster Response International in providing emergency aid to Japan, having worked with them on previous disasters. Volunteers, tents, water purification equipment, generators, medical supplies and food are needed for this major response. CDR plans to ship their special food product RESTORE HEALTH FOOD from their plant in Thailand. PLEASE MAKE A EMERGENCY DONATION using PayPal on their web site You may also wish to volunteer or donate supplies or equipment. To volunteer, contact their office by email at For detailed information please call 863-967-HELP (4357).(Read more...)

Coral reefs are among the most diverse ecosystems on earth and provide numerous values. Yet, an assessment by more than 25 environmental organizations has determined that various anthropogenic factors threaten 75% of the world's coral reefs. More than 90% of these "rainforests of the sea" could be at risk by 2030.(Read more...)

The United States African Development Foundation provides up to $250,000 in grants to African-based community groups and small enterprises that benefit underserved and marginalized groups in Africa. In 2010, USADF funded over $17 million for 200 projects in 20 countries.(Read more...)

This gathering of individuals solving community challenges through social engagement will take place from June 6-8, 2011 in New Orleans, USA. Gathering will be international NGO leaders, corporate attendees, educators, grassroots community leaders, and representatives of the faith community.(Read more...)

In this white paper, Mark Davis details how one can greatly increase fundraising appeals by connecting them to an online advocacy initiative. Points such as "choose imperfect and timely over imperfect and late" offer concrete suggestions to increase response rates.(Read more...)

Polio, a highly contagious viral disease that once caused major epidemics and was one of the world's most dreaded diseases, has largely been eliminated. With the Gates Foundation pouring in 1 billion dollars to the already 25-year eradication effort underway, there is hope it could be the second major illness (after smallpox) eradicated. But removing that last 1 percent has proven difficult.(Read more...)

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