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Worldwide NGO Directory Application

WANGO is a nonprofit membership organization with members in over 120 countries. While NGOs (any nonprofit organization not established by a government entity or intergovernmental agreement) constitute the main membership of WANGO, affiliate memberships are available for governmental bodies, commercial entities, and interested individuals.

WANGO International Headquarters
220 White Plains Road, Fifth Floor, Tarrytown, NY 10591 USA

To add your organization to the Worldwide NGO Directory, please enter information using the correct upper and lower case letter format. AVOID using all upper case or all lower case letters. Example: World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO).

* Required fields

Organization Information

Organization Name *

Address *Mailing Address (if different)
Address (Street) 
Address (Street) 
State or Province 
State or Province 
Zip Code 
Zip Code 

Country *
Email *

Mission Statement 
Types of Programs & Activities 
Number of Programs Per Year 

Level of activity
Year Founded
Registered in which countries?

Membership Organization?
If this is a membership organization, what type of members?
Approximate number of members

Organization Website
Facebook Page
Twitter Handle

EIN number (for US organizations)

Contact Person

First Name *

Middle Name
Last Name *

Address (Street) 
State or Province 
Zip Code 

Other Phone

Areas of Activity (check all that apply)

Ageing Agriculture & Food
Animal Health & Rights Business & Economic Policy
Children & Youth Communications & Media
Conflict Resolution Development
Education Environment
Family Health & Nutrition
Human Rights Indigenous People
International Organization Labor
Law & Legal Affairs Narcotics, Drugs & Crime
Peace & Security Population/Human Settlements
Refugees Relief Services
Religion, Belief & Ethics Science & Technology
Social & Cultural Development Sports & Recreation
Trade & International Finance Transportation
Women`s Status & Issues Other

Become a Subscriber

 Check here to receive our monthly newsletter, the NGO News, highlighting NGO management topics, from strategic planning to fundraising and marketing, board development, technology, and more; grant opportunities; upcoming events; developments in the non-governmental sector; and UN news and views; as well as updates on the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs and special projects.

Support the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs

The Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs is a set of fundamental principles and operational principles and standards developed by WANGO to help guide nonprofit and non-governmental organizations worldwide to ethically and transparently govern their operations.

As a display of commitment and solidarity among NGOs in upholding ethical behavior throughout the sector, WANGO invites all registered NGOs, nonprofit organizations, charities and foundations worldwide to be included on this website as "Supporters of the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs." (Click here to view complete list of supporters)

 Check here to add your organization to the list.

Submit Application

I am an authorized representative of this organization and I affirm that all information submitted on this form is accurate.

First Name *   Last Name *     Date

We Support

WANGO is a 501(c)(3) public charity
© 2024. WANGO - World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations