Classes of Individual Membership

Individual Members are one of three classes:

A   Associate

Associate Individual Membership is available to persons whose interests and/or activities are consistent with the purposes of the organization. Individual membership can include those who are active in, or engaged in leadership positions, of a non-governmental organization, whether or not the organization is a member of the Association. Associate members shall have the right to participate in the Association's meetings and activities, but they shall not have the right to vote or to hold elective office in the Association.

B   Fellow

The class of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction and shall be conferred only by invitation of the International Council upon a person with an excellent record of accomplishments in areas of relevance to the Association. WANGO Fellows shall have the right to participate fully in the Association's meetings and activities, including the right to vote and hold elective office

C   Honorary

Honorary Individual Membership may be awarded by resolutions of the Association on recommendations of the International Executive Committee for any individuals, not members of WANGO, who in the opinion of the International Executive Committee have contributed significantly to uplifting the quality of life in the world. Such individuals shall remain as Honorary Individual Members at the pleasure of the Association. Honorary Individual Members shall have the right to participate in the Association's meetings and activities, but they shall not have the right to vote or to hold elective office in the Association.

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© 2025. WANGO - World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations