Membership Privileges, Benefits, and Services

Membership in WANGO provides access to a wealth of resources that help organizations better accomplish their missions. Intergovernmental and governmental bodies, corporations, and public universities may join WANGO as Affiliate Members.

Although Affiliate Members do not have voting privileges, and cannot serve as officers of the Association, they do enjoy many of the benefits of regular members. In addition, the application process is simpler. Among the privileges, benefits and services of being an Affiliate Member are:

A   Tools for Organizations

  1. Training Workshops are held with international experts on such topics as fundraising, new technologies for NGOs, strategic planning, media relations, board development, and other practical issues.
  2. Practical Information is disseminated regularly to members on diverse topics of practical relevance, such as getting grants and asking for money, strategic management of NGOs, networking, developments in the NGO world, and others.
  3. Members-only Section of the WANGO website is an interactive component, accessed via a username and password, which offers several useful features for members, including the Sharing Resources and Multiplying Resources sections, as well as the Membership List and Community Forum. This section also allows members to update their listing in the NGO directories.
  4. Sharing Resources allows members to post information and requests to the worldwide community. An organization may search for a partner for a project, post upcoming events, or comment on some activity or area of interest. The WANGO Secretariat also occasionally posts information that may be of interest to Association members.
  5. Multiplying Resources offers information of practical relevance, such as recent papers presented at WANGO conferences or symposia, useful articles, or practical tips.
  6. NGO Directories -- the Worldwide NGO Directory and the private WANGO NGO membership list -- on the WANGO website are accessed free. The Association member has access to the partial information provided by each organization.
  7. The NGO Handbook is a wiki-based work that contains a selection of articles on NGO management and the NGO sector in various nations around the world that were written by a team of scholars and NGO practitioners.

B   Networking

Networking with NGO leaders can be an invaluable resource for advancing the mission of an organization, finding resources, establishing partnerships, and promoting professional and personal development. WANGO provides a unique forum for networking among key leaders of diverse and influential NGOs, as well as affiliated intergovernmental and governmental bodies, universities, and businesses.

The Association fosters dialogue between grantmakers and grantseekers, facilitating the grantmaking process and making it more comprehensive and effective. Corporations and governmental bodies may seek to form partnerships with NGOs, and corporations may desire to improve employee morale and retention by involving them in NGO service in various parts of the world.

In addition, members in various nations develop their own national WANGO chapters, which can focus on issues of specific interests to the membership in those areas. WANGO's neural network, conferences, and the Sharing Resources section facilitate networking, and WANGO's Worldwide NGO Directory and Membership List are valuable resources for both networking and partnering among NGOs.

C   Conferences and Symposia

WANGO is unique in regularly bringing together a prestigious, international leadership of NGOs representing diverse nations, perspectives, and realms of activity. WANGO conferences provide a unique crossroads for representatives and leaders of NGOs to meet, share innovative ideas and practices, and build partnerships that can help the NGOs better fulfill their missions. Symposia and roundtables are also periodically conducted. Members have substantially reduced rates to attend WANGO conferences and symposia.

D   Publications

WANGO publications are made available to the member at reduced or no cost. They include:

  1. NGO News, WANGO's monthly e-newsletter, features timely articles on current affairs, United Nations news and updates, and practical resources for NGOs. Member organizations are encouraged to submit information on their upcoming activities for posting in the newsletter. A subscription to the NGO News is free to members.
  2. Conference Proceedings of WANGO sponsored and co-sponsored conferences are made available to members, at reduced cost.
  3. Special Monographs and Reports are occasionally produced by WANGO that are available to members.
  4. Archival Materials of WANGO's newsletters and select conference presentations are maintained on the Members-only Section of the website and can be accessed free by members.

E   Awards Program

The WANGO Awards program honors NGOs from throughout the world that demonstrate exceptional effort, service, innovation and excellence. The awards are presented not only to large, well-known NGOs (including those whose founders have received, or gone on to receive, the Nobel Peace Prize), but also to smaller NGOs in less developed regions.

Awards have been presented in such categories as Peace & Security, Environment, Human Rights, Family & Peace, Interreligous Cooperation, Humanitarian, and Education, Media and the Arts.

Association members may nominate NGOs for awards. A number of WANGO members have been recipients of these prestigious awards.

F   Code of Ethics and Conduct

As part of the Association's effort to strengthen and improve the non-governmental sector as whole, WANGO spearheaded the development of a Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs. Formulated by an international committee representing the wide spectrum of the NGO community, including input from NGO leaders from over 100 nations, the present Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs identifies 7 fundamental principles and over 100 specific standards to guide the actions and management of NGOs worldwide. Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs is provided free of charge to WANGO members.

Affiliate Members can gain an assessment of the legitimacy of an NGO by recognizing that NGO applicants for WANGO membership go through a rigorous process. Self-assessment also provides some measure. WANGO NGO members may certify that they adhere to the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs. Organizations that self-certify that they meet the standards in the Code, and accept responsibility for following the standards, may note this fact in their promotional literature. Organizations that self-certify that they meet the Code may be removed from WANGO membership if it is shown they fall short of the standards.

G   Voting, Holding Office & Guiding the Work of WANGO

WANGO is a membership organization. The members guide the work of the Association and identify ways in which the organization can best serve the membership. While Affiliate Members cannot vote for officers, or hold office in the Association (other than in an advisory capacity), all WANGO members have the right to propose and vote for Declarations to guide the work of the International Council and to advance the goals of the organization.

H   Strong Advisory Role

WANGO plays a valued role in advising governments, intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations, and regional bodies. The proceedings of the Association's conferences and symposia, and resolutions emanating from the membership, are distributed to world leaders and the heads of international and intergovernmental organizations, and WANGO plays a direct role in providing counsel and partnering with such leadership.

I   Unified and Strong Voice

The Association helps NGOs and affiliate organizations worldwide to offer a strong, unified voice in advancing conflict resolution and moral solutions to pressing global, national and social problems. It assists in providing information on the importance of NGOs and the challenges confronted by the NGO community.

J   Helping NGOs Accomplish Their Tasks

WANGO assists organizations by providing support and access to information and resources that can aid them in accomplishing their own missions relative to creating a better society and world: economically, socially, environmentally, politically and morally.

We Support

WANGO is a 501(c)(3) public charity
© 2025. WANGO - World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations