Donate Now

There are many ways to support the work of WANGO with a donation:

  1. Scholarship Fund: This fund is to help small NGOs from the least developed countries to attend WANGO conferences.
  2. Awards Fund: This fund is used to support the WANGO Awards Program, which annually honors excellence and innovation among NGOs in several categories.
  3. Code of Ethics Initiative: Support the ongoing development of the Code of Ethics Initiative, including the creation of an online self-certification course, to promote integrity and ethical behavior in the charitable, nonprofit realm.
  4. Founders International Fund: This endowment is used to provide grants in support of activities of small but effective NGOs internationally.
  5. Capacity Building Program: Support the development of capacity building trainings and new resources and tools for NGOs to strengthen their capacity to deliver on their mission and sustainably serve their communities.
  6. Support WANGO: WANGO uses this fund to expand its programs, continuously improve its online platform, and build its worldwide membership.

The World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations, Inc. (WANGO) is a duly registered 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization and all donations are tax-deductible.

You may contribute online securely using a credit card or you may send a check or money order in U.S. dollars to:

220 White Plains Road, Fifth Floor
Tarrytown, NY 10591

To donate online, simply follow the directions on this page.

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 Scholarship Fund
 Awards Fund
 Code of Ethics Initiative
 Founders International Fund
 Capacity Building Program
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WANGO is a 501(c)(3) public charity
© 2025. WANGO - World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations