Play Football Make Peace

At the 2007 Summer Cup, the Estonian Football President Mr. Aivar Pohlak met with WANGO Secretary General, Mr. Taj Hamad and PFMP Director, Mr. Robin Graham. This began the relationship for PFMP to partner with the Estonian Football Federation (EFF). A follow up meeting was agreed upon, and Robin Graham visited Estonia in September 2007 to further cement the future partnership with EFF.

In February 2008, Robin Graham and Director of Education, David Stewart traveled to Estonia. In a workshop for EFF trainers and coaches (about 20 altogether) Mr. Pohlak introduced the concept of social responsibility. He explained that social responsibility was crucial to the development of Estonian football and that PFMP was going to partner with the EFF to move the EFF in this direction. David Stewart then gave an excellent introduction to the principles and philosophy of Play Football Make Peace. Mr. Pohlak received great reviews from the attendees, and has arranged for PFMP to lead a seminar on social responsibility and football in November 2008 for all Estonian clubs, coaches and trainers.

In 2007 PFMP partnered with FC Parnu again.PFMP supporte the annual Parnu Summer Cup held by FC Vaprus, which is now branded Parnu Summer Cup - Play Soccer Make Peace. Over 1,200 youth attended this event from Scandinavian countries, Russia, Lithuania, and Ukraine.

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