We members of the Civil Society Organizations, being a sub-section of the global Civil Society and part of the Nigerian delegation to the Fourth High Level Forum (HLF-4) on Aid Effectiveness, Busan, South Korea, identify with all poor, vulnerable, marginalized, and excluded people in Nigeria and the world at large for whom we are engaging in the HLF process. About ten Nigerian delegates drawn from Government, Media and Civil Society are attending the HLF-4 with five representing various Civil Society Organizations participated in the HLF-4.


We commit to the global Civil Society Statement to the HLF4 and reaffirm our support to the processes that would ensure efforts at improving aid delivery actually catalyzing growth and development that would ultimately end aid dependence.


Opening of 4th High Level ForumWe value our inclusion as equals at the HLF-4 negotiating table alongside governments and donors; expect to replicate this practice at our country level; and welcome the opportunity to join world leaders, governments, donors, parliamentarians, private sector,  international institutions and the media  to forge a new consensus on effective aid and development effectiveness.


From Paris, through Accra to Busan


We note with deep concern that donors and partner governments have dwelt more on politics rather than aid and development effectiveness and as such failed to deliver on the majority of their pledges made in the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action. This has left unfinished business that must now be completed through bold decisions that outline time-bound and clear targets.


In Nigeria, we note the increasing role of the stakeholders, especially the private sector and the government, in managing Official Development Assistance (ODA) flows since Accra, and the poor information regarding the assistance. For instance, of over $1.6 billion ODA flow to Nigeria, the National Planning Commission, charged with the responsibility of coordinating ODA on the part of Nigerian Government was able to track only roughly $400 million. This scenario is a complete negation of the principles of harmonization and mutual accountability of ODAs as enshrined in the PD and Accra Agenda for Action (AAA). This situation clearly makes ODA ineffective in Nigeria.


Strengthening Partnership for Effective Development


In the light of the above, we call for a development cooperation architecture that more effectively promotes equity, justice and a rights-based approach to development, which considers the present reality of Nigeria as a developing country as provider and recipient of cooperation; guarantees full and genuine multi-stakeholder participation; and deepens the accountability of all actors for meeting their development commitments. We call on donors to be more transparent with Nigerian government and Civil Society for aid effectiveness.


South-South Cooperation and Triangular Cooperation


We recognise that South-South Cooperation and Triangular Cooperation has been a hallmark of Nigerian foreign policy even as we recognise both cooperation mechanisms as a vehicle for enhanced knowledge sharing and creation. We urge our government to deepen engagement in the various processes to promote our South-South development agenda even as we work to strengthen our North-South partnerships and collaborations. By this, Nigeria would be fulfilling her own role of building a new global partnership for effective development cooperation.


Government CSOs Partnership


We note the partnership between the Nigerian Government and Civil Society Organisations on Aid and Development issues, and therefore welcome the establishment of a Civil Society Fund on Results, Aid Effectiveness and Accountability. We also appreciate the Alignment, Effectiveness, Result Accountability Initiative (AERA), an initiative of the Nigerian Parliament, the National Planning Commission and Civil Society Organisations, which we believe will strengthen Parliamentary role in budgeting, aid effectiveness, results and accountability for resources, support the National Planning Commission and the Ministry of Finance in its aid policy, as well as strengthen institutional mechanism for aid coordination, results and performance. We urge the Nigeria government to deepen its partnership with civil society by expanding the current space for engagement.




1.  Mr. Leo Atakpu

     Deputy Director: Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice ANEEJ


2.  Dr. D. Tola Winjobi

     National Coordinator: Open Forum for Development Effectiveness


3.  Mohammed B. Attah

     Africa Regional Coordinator: World Association of Non-Governmental Organisations


4.  Mrs. Bose Iro-Nsi

     Executive Director: Women's Rights and Health Project.


5.  Dr. Lola Dare

     Chief Executive: Centre for Health Sciences Training, Research and Development



Busan, South Korea,

December 1, 2011.